Sunday, March 1, 2009

I made it to the Top!

We did it!!   Today was the Climb to Conquer Cancer walk.  I had about 37 people on my team, Logan's Heroes, make it out for the 5 1/2 mile climb to the top of South Mountain.   It was the perfect day to spend hiking the mountain for such a good cause.   I am so grateful that so many of my co worker and friends came out to support the fight.  Most have never been involved in anything like this and were amazed at the stories they heard of why people walk.  I told my story to everyone I could, even complete strangers.  There were plenty of tears shed and hugs given and received.  

I had no idea when I first signed up to form a team that it would become what it did.  So many showing their support by either coming out to walk or making a donation to the cause.  Even though I wasn't allowed to do any type of fundraising at work, the team managed to raise over $1600.   I'll double that next year!

Thank you to everyone!!!!!!!   Together we can make a difference.

In Honor of...
My Grandmother, Silly Illy, 2 time breast cancer survivor
My brother, Rod  kidney cancer
Gail, breast cancer
Jodi, breast cancer

In Memory of...
My Grandfather, Honey Bear, lung cancer  
Lucy, breast cancer
Jane, breast cancer

In support of...
Mia, only 15 months old and fighting the battle   


Remo said...

You sure had a perfect weather day, eh? Congrats!!

Ang said...

I'm so proud of you Ter! Not that it's a surprise... Congrats!!!