Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's chilly and raining today!!! Woo hoo... Its been a long time since we've had rain so it's quite a nice change. Add the fact that I actually got off at a decent time I was able to enjoy it...makes for something to celebrate. Should go curl up and watch a movie but I'd just fall asleep so I thought I'd write a bit instead.

Things have been settling down a bit. I think I'm on the uphill road to peace and sanity. HA! 5 months ago I didn't even know those things existed. I'm happy...get a little lonely sometimes but I'm happy.

The 60 day "cooling off" period for the divorce ends can bet my ass will be at the courthouse on Monday the 8th to file the next blob of paperwork. I'll tell ya, doing this without an atty is tough but I'm getting it done. (and saving a hell of a lot of money) Hell, maybe I'll take on preparing divorce papers as a second job and make a few extra bucks lol.

Nate seems to be doing somewhat better these days. He still has the really bad headaches but they don't seem to be happening so often and the daily ones are much more tolerable. Hopefully the meds are working well enough and we can rule out surgery. I'll keep you updated,
going back to the neurosurgeon on Dec 2nd.

It's Thanksgiving...
I'm looking forward to spending the day at and hanging out with my family. I, again have so much to be thankful for this family, friends, health, house, job, the list goes on and on. I'd go into some detail but I'm not planning on getting all teary eyed tonight.

It's late, I'm sleepy, and if I don't post this now you might not see it till Christmas. I wish you all a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

Love and hugs to all,



Remo said...

I love the rain and what it does for our forests up north. Great weather to hike in the desert.
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!!

Ang said...

Glad to hear you re doing well... lonely is tough, but it's better in the end :)
please keep us posted about Nate; glad to hear the meds might be working for him.

I hope your Thanksgiving is the best ever and enjoy the day with your family! miss you Ter!

Dawn said...

Hmmm....for some reason, I'm not getting updated when you post a blog. Happened to just come in and check and saw that I've missed some.

No matter, I'm here now, and I want to wish you the best of Thanksgivings ever. I'm so proud to call you my're a wonderful woman.

Glad Nate is feeling better, and hope all goes well at the doc next week....keep us posted.

Love ya girl!!!!

Loopy said...

Dawn I too don't get notified when Terri posts a blog and don't know why.

Terri enjoy the cooler weather while you can as it probably won't last long. We still don't have snow yet but the temps are just above freezing and I would be thankful for some warm weather.